Early Years Foundation Stage
Our Approach to EYFS
At Shorefields we have a designated class for Foundation Stage pupils. All pupils aged 3 - 5 start in this assessment base, although occasionally it may be more appropriate for a child with complex medical needs to be placed in a PMLD environment when starting school (within Pier Strand). Pupils are offered funded sessions according to their age; a 3-year-old may access one full day each week until the term they turn 4, when they will be offered two days each week. All assessments are completed in time for parents/carers to apply for an alternative full-time placement if more appropriate.
The term curriculum is used to describe everything children do, see, hear, or feel in their setting, both planned and unplanned.
Learners joining our school have already had a range of experiences from their parents/carers and other settings that exist within the community. The early years’ education we offer our children is based on the following principles:
• it builds upon what the learner already knows and can do
• it ensures that all learners have equal opportunities
• it offers structure for learning that has a range of starting points
• it has content that matches the needs of the young learners and activities that provide opportunities for learning both indoors and out
• it provides a safe and stimulating environment in which the contribution made by each learner is valued
• it ensures that learners develop their self-esteem and confidence
• it ensures that learners have fun and are challenged as they learn